In true Sherry stylie everything seems to be a bit last minute even though I have been preparing for this for months, although big achievements have been made and mountains have moved! Well the mountain of stuff I seem to own is now in boxes and in various lofts, sheds and gardens scattered around South East England.
I have now moved out of my house on the more hibernating ladybirds, swarms of hornets, mouldy showers and skating down the hill on ice in a tin box on wheels! I will however miss the place for all it's other charms and quirkiness. Even the car severed its ties from me when the cam belt broke a few weeks ago. Mr scrappy has her now.....I think she was hoping to be transformed into one of those hybrid car / robot types like on the adverts! Well they do say the possibilities are endless with recycling....they need to be:-) I miss her already :-/
Anyhow with no fixed abode and no wheels, one must take to the air......and I do.... in 7 hours time! Sleep...mmmm, that I hope will come when I fly!
My flight arrives in Quito, Ecuador Thursday afternoon. I start on an amazon expedition with GVI (Global Vision International) the following day. I will be unable to blog personally as any electricity is used for GVI equipment. You can keep up with the project and what we are doing at
Having dreamt about carrying out research in a rainforest for 11 years, it seems a bit weird that it is finally going to happen. I dont know how I will fair but it will be fun finding out!
I come out of the rainforest early October so I will blog here then.
Much Love to all and thanks to those who have helped to make it happen x
Watch out for all the nasties out there. Will follow this with interest. You take care. Mind you perhaps all the nasties out there oughta be afraid.